Basically this is my dumpster for random stuff. As in EVERYTHING. So yeah.

Anyone watch 'Aliens in the Attic'? It's the lamest movie I've ever seen in my LIFE but it was the inspiration for the name of this blog :P Yesh, it's TV~~

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 9

Character you’d bring home to your parents:
"I apologize for... and ... and .. and..." Overly polite, spends half an hour on that stuff
Mom: Sweatdrop

Winter and Snow: Niseko, Japan

Logs outside the chalet for the fireplace
 So... I'm pretty obsessed in snow. We don't get any in Hong Kong seeing as the coldest it ever goes is around eight degrees Celcius... except for up in the mountains but that's a different matter. And in the winter it's far too dry to snow anyway, so it doesn't matter how cold it gets... I guess. So obviously I'm fascinated to no end whenever I see snow... specifically when we go to Japan to ski. And there is no end to snow in Niseko! It literally snows every hour! It's beauty never ceases to amaze... we've been going there for four years now and yet we can never get bored in the snow. I guess it's because of the lack of it in Hong Kong... people living in other countries will probably be pretty used to it, sick of it even (cough Russia... General Winter OTL) but well... I'm a little kid xD 

Top: Our chalet. Left: The neighbors
The wood behind the house and our porch. That pile of snow at the back is supposed to be the road :P


Anyway, I'm finally tearing myself away from all those memes OTL
So... Christmas is nearly here ^^ woot... plehh it's so hot though :( Christmas isn't Christmas if it's scorching hot when it's supposed to be ten degrees... sighh... Oh well it's still CHRISTMAS!! I've been a good kid, Santa :) No I haven't... too much hetalia for mee :P
Oh, we finished our Spanish mocks (finally). Everyone was stressing over it and revising and poring over books and stuff and I was like... leaning back and listening to music D: I HOPE I DIDN'T FAIL! I KNOW I'M LAZY BUT PLEASE I WANT A GOOD MARK ;;_;; 守株待兔 much? -shot-
Uh... there's not much I can say... I blame overuse of meme =.= Anyway, Merry early Christmas
Not going to Ocean Park tomorrow :I

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 8

Character you look like the most:
Like... a mix of China and Hong Kong :P   
Yeah... PANDAS ARE AWESOME >:D I have China's hair/face-eyes and Hong Kong's eyebrows and eyes O.o

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 7

Character you have most in common with:
Er yeah... I'm super hyper and stuff on the inside but outside I'm pretty silent OTL
Plus I'm super lazy xD 
And I laff Hong Kong (home for thirteen years larr) to bits ^^

 (Slightly China as well :P Obsession for cute things, big sister OTL)

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 6

Character who would probably be your rival:
Not that I don't love him to bits (HE'S SO CUTEEE AND ADORABLE and hot), but
I'd probably let him have him anyway but still :P  

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 5

Character you'd like as your child:

I mean who wouldn't want this kid as their child? O.o

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 4

Character you'd go shopping with:
Like, totally :D 
'Cause he has like, such a refined fashion sense. Totally~ 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 3

Character you'd date:

But only if he's free :D If he's with Romano then I would be over the moonnnn xD

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 2

Your least favorite character:
kowaii... she's scary okay? And she's stealing Russia away from dear America-san!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hetalia 30 days meme DAY 1

Your favorite character:
He's awesome
shuddapp :I  

Hetalia 30 days meme

Because I'm obsessed yet again:

30 Day Hetalia Tumblr Challenge by WelcomeToWonderland
   1. Your favorite character
   2. Your least favorite character
   3. Character you’d date
   4. Character you’d like to go shopping with
   5. Character you’d like as your child
   6. Character who would probably be your rival
   7. Character you have most in common with
   8. Character you look like the most
   9. Character you’d bring home to your parents
  10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents
  11. Character you’d become best friends with
  12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu
  13. Character you’d go camping with
  14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with
  15. Character you’d want to cook for you
  16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you
  17. Your OTP
  18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent
  19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with
  20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid
  21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG
  22. Another OTP of yours
  23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
  24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
  25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
  26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
  27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
  28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
  29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
  30. Character you’d want to cosplay as

Thursday, December 2, 2010

New language

So I want to learn a new language for reasons unknown to the world, but I can't exactly pick one. Right now it's between French, German and Russian, but I think the latter one will have to be excluded 'cause IT'S REALLY HARD! I tried pronouncing it and it was like... wuh? ANYWAY so it's between French and German and although French is kinda easier German is so much cooler! Pfft... plus my Chinese/Japanese tutor's going to England so we need to find a new one. Chinese is okay 'cause there are tons of them here, but what about Japanese?

Eyeball dissections are disgusting. Pfft.

My randomness1

In English now. Romeo and Juliet's boring.

And it's boring. pfft.

Monday, November 29, 2010

This is one of my ten-minute doodles which I decided to call, for no apparent reason, Sakura Storm. Basically an experiment with anime-style eyes and backgrounds, which obviously failed xD. Oh wells.... like I'm bothered to get my paints out.

This little weirdo is called Pink Elephants for its apparent LCD-ness. Admit it, it looks psychedelic. :D
Er... a few hours with maii paints and pencil :P and super randomness :I

Laziness is evident =.=

So I finally got round to labeling my posts... now I'm gonna be putting my doodles and FFs up here just in case my computer crashes in the imminent future; it's getting so old it's worrying. So yeah. Sorry blog, but you're going to have to become a lot fatten in the coming.. er.. time.

Anyway, so we have our Spanish GCSEs coming up -headdesk- Help me God, 'cause I will fail. Plus the Chinese test hanging over Christmas... urghh why on Earth did I decided to choose double language? I'm stupid D:

Okay uhh... I think that's it for today. I'll start uploading now :D

Saturday, November 27, 2010


My writer's block is currently preventing me from writing anything comprehensible. Therefore this post is going to be super weird.

I'm bored.

Chinglish cannot entertain me.

The world has officially ended.


You know you've got to take shelter in Cape Horn or something when Italy opens his eyes.


Must stop spacing everything like this. Pfft.

I think it's all the rap I'm listening to -headdesk-. Okay I'll try to write normally now.
It's not working.
I give up.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Insert Title Here

We had athletics day today and, as predicted, it was boring. I really wanted to skive since I wasn't running anything but they wouldn't let me TT^TT Something about 'house spirit' and all that crap. Oh wells... at least I got a wrist band? It looks kind of ugly though... and now I'm gonna get fat from all the McDonalds I ate :P Really should lay off the junk food even if I am kind of underweight.

I'm trying to torrent 'How I met your Mother' but, like everything else, I don't know how to use transmission. -headdesk- Seriously, for all the time I spend on my computer I sure am pretty computer illiterate. Pfft... this is why I didn't take Media. How I managed to get an award for ICT is beyond me :P

Um... nothing much else happened... Oh! Yesterday in Chinese we were supposed to be performing the last few paragraphs of one of the stories we were reading, and I was the girl who was going to get off the 'horse', which was basically a chair. So I'm sitting in the chair and I'm about to get up when I step on my shoelace (accidentally, obviously), undo it, and trip into a pile of books. In front of the whole class. It was so embarrassing! Then our teacher 'praised' me for being very 'realistic'. Apparently she didn't get that it wasn't on purpose, and that just made the whole thing funnier for the rest of the class. Pfft... it was painful as well but no, I just looked like an idiot tripping on my own feet =.=

Hetalia is awesome :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

18th November

These titles are deteriorating... but I'm kind of too tired to think of a better one at the moment. Titles always gave me a headache anyway. Arghh... speaking of headaches, I need some asprin D:

Finally finished all my various essays and assessments so I can focus on the upcoming tests. We already had the Spanish writing yesterday and I definitely failed... my grammar was all over the place! You see, it's not that the grammar's super super hard; yes, it's a pain in the neck but the main problem is that my English grammar sucks! It's like, I know what's right and whatnot, but when people ask me why, I'd be like... uh... 'cause it sounds right? Yeah, that's how hopeless I am. -bows-

Anyway, away from all this school stuff :D My friend got me this awesome looking doll from Vietnam and it's super cute! It's like, this little wooden head with this stringy body and stuff and the clothes are really cute as well! I hung it on my bag but it looks a bit weird there... oh well! I have a weakness for cute stuff, so shuddap! Geez :P

You would not believe how many people think HEtalia is 'hentalia'! Damn it, hetalia is not hentai! I feel so fricking offended! Besides, I don't read hentai, as so many people think I do. I'm not that perverted! Geez... not like you guys aren't. Blehhhhh

Saving up moneh for a CD/hoodie. I can't really seem to decide... I have tons of hoodies already but they're really boring looking, but there are a ton of CDs that I really want to get! Arghh... opportunity cost! Stupid Econ, stop messing with me head >:(

Pacman rules

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Tired... completely exhausted... it's so hard to pull myself out of bed now. Even on Tuesdays when I get a nice little sleep in till eight, it's like my eyelids weigh a ton. Seriously... and my insomnia's getting worse. Bleh... panda eyes...

The diarrhea isn't too nice either, but it's okay now. At least I didn't vomit like tons of other people did. I hate it when I come back from a foreign country and end up bed-ridden for days (is that even a word) At least it didn't happen this time, and for that I'm grateful. It's just all this constant fatigue... I actually fell asleep during History the other day when we were watching some video about Hitler and his ideas... my friend had to shake me awake just before the teacher walked by. Come on, I've never done that before! I can never fall asleep in a car, let alone in class! (Did that sound weird) Blehhhh...

Heart dissections are disgusting! This is why I'm never becoming a doctor! Seriously... they were like: 'stick your finger down the aorta to see which ones the left side, oh lookie! It's the left ventricle! Stick your finger in that, go on! Oh lookie! Blood clot! How fascinating!' Urghhh... it was so very very gross... -headdesk-

Well I'm gonna sleep now :D Seriously need to get rid of these bags under my eyes... they're getting worse every day..

Monday, November 15, 2010

Annapurna Trek, Nepal

Oh my gosh it was awesome! Never in my life have I been so close to any mountain so big or beautiful... it's so perfect it's almost surreal. Seriously, it was straight out of a postcard! No, I did not go to some random souvenir shop and buy some picture of Everest. I was actually there. And it was amazing. I mean, living in Hong Kong I'm pretty used to mountains and stuff, but these are... well, there's no competition. There's snow. It's so beautiful! There's hardly any chances for you to be next to such big mountains, are there? Unless you live there, of course. It just... doesn't seem real, you know? I felt so tiny and insignificant after seeing them. Geez, those tiring walks and continuous shortness of breath were so worth it. TOP OF THE WORLD! (not really... hehe)

The food was pretty good as well. I mean, after hearing about all the diarrhea cases last year I didn't really expect much, but the curry was really awesome. And all the cold lemon! Hehe... you'd think that after drinking the same thing five days straight I'd get sick of it, but it just tastes awesome every time. There were tons of potatoes, though. Potatoes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, every single fricking day. I have no quarrel against potatoes; in fact, I love them. But really? Isn't that a bit much?
Surprisingly, they had really good pizza. Seriously. I loved the pizza. You just can't get that kind of food here.

Ah, then the cities. Pokhara's okay, I guess. It's reasonably clean, at least, the place we visited. The people are friendly enough (please don't include all those pedophiles who tried to invite me for tea). And it's not too noisy either, I mean, I wouldn't have too many complaints living there. But Kathmandu? It's exciting, I'll give you that. But it's really noisy; there are motorbikes everywhere and horns honking really loudly. Plus there's rubbish everywhere. Okay, I'm being a bit judgmental seeing as I didn't visit a lot of it, but still. I'm a city girl, and I always will be, but honestly, I think I like the mountains a lot better than the cities. It's a lot less modernized, but at least it's nice and peaceful and wide and clean. Freshest air I will ever breathe.

But despite my qualms with the city, I have never had more fun in my life. This is comparable to Japan and skiing, and that's saying something. Nepal really is a stunning country, and I'm not just talking about the views. If I had the chance, I would definitely go back. I really would. It is positively awesome.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 19th

今日は、カラオケへ行きます。それはとても楽しかったです :) でも、いま私はとてもおなかがすいて......
Shuddap I know my Japanese sucks. I don't give a poop :D

But yeah, today was awesome :D We had this giant birthday party at this karaoke place and we sang Jay Chou xD Yeahh... shuddap. AND WE HAD BUBBLE TEA! That just makes everything so much better :D One of my friends got this plum tea thing and it was fricking salty! Geez, I swear I'm never touching any of that stuff anymore. And he chugged the thing! Oh my gosh... arghhh it's salty tea =.= Sorry anyone who likes plum tea :P

LET'S BOIL HOT WATER~~! Oh my gosh, I love that song even more than the Delicious Tomato Song (I'm SOOOOOO sorry Romano) but it really is too cute~~ 
'ore wa pasuta ga daisuki sa~~'
SO CUTEEEE~~~ I feel like such a Spain... arghh Antonio stop it! Argh one of your fellow pedophiles scared the crap out of me in the MTR today... god he just turned around and pedo smiled at me and it was f-ing scary~~~ =.=

OCEAN PARK! Arghh this sucks it's too hot to wear a scarf, so I can't have a Russia costume D: This sucks :(

Friday, October 15, 2010

maii photos 15-10

Tsim Sha Tsui- Hong Kong. Obviously :D
It's very... colorful... hehe Cultural Center's looking weird as usual. Seriously, I mean the skyline is all famous and stuff (awesome and pretty) but some of the buildings are super weirddd... not saying they don't look good though :P

Niseko- Japan.
Dude, look at all that snow. It snowed every freaking hour last year, and it was sushhh pwetty shnowww :D Shuddap, we don't get snow in Hong Kong, I have every right to love snow even though I get frostbite from touching it without my gloves... just cuz I'm stupid.. :D

Half Term Break~~

The amount of holidays we get now are crazy. Seriously, just a few weeks ago we had TWO WEEKS of Thursdays and Fridays off, and now we get another week of half term break :P I mean, I haven't got much to complain about, but really... it seriously screws with your mind

Speaking of screwing with your mind, HETALIA IS EVIL! Damn it... I can't sit still during History or Econ anymore! I think I talked about this already... oh well :P Hey, at least it helped me in the Econ test. It helped me TONS. Hehe it was like this general knowledge test and obviously Hetalia is all about general knowledge (not really) so yeah, I aced it xD. Thank you, Himaruya-sensei~~ :D Ooh, the genius that is Hidekaz Himaruya actually VISITED HONG KONG and freaking TOOK PICTURES :D How awesome is that???

Ughhh... so much drama in my life... Don't like all this déjà vu :( There's this guy who looks exactly like this other guy in Shanghai and frick they're exactly the sameee! ARGHH... I'm going crazzyyyyy =.=

Because Prussia is and always will be awesome. Until he stopped existing... -sobs- WHY? BRING PRUSSIA BACKK


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wherefore Art Thou Hetalia?

I cannot for the life of me imitate a Cantonese accent. It is the most embarrassing thing, considering I'm from Hong Kong. Oh gosh, you fail. fails... it's always down and stuff... a week ago every third page would come up with an error and it took so long to finish reading a 3-chapter story... and Google's down every other day as well. Why is the internet so selective... making the two websites I use the most (except facebook) crash. -insert weeping-

Going to Macau tomorrow. Happy birthday Wang Yao (ignore Hetalia reference)! Well it's not really his birthday... seeing as it's only PRC's founding day and not China's founding day... I doubt anyone remembers when that is... wait stupid! That was thousands of years ago =.=

CANADA WAS SHOUTING. Okay I have to lay off hetalia

We love you China xD Oh, not mine, of course. This is in no way mine... not even in my wildest dreams D: I'm not that awesome, I'm afraid.

Loving Prussia's awesomeness as well :D Come back, Gilbert!


Signing off xD

Monday, September 13, 2010


Did I post something under this title yet? Oh well it doesn't matter :D
La OMNOMNOMAGON :D It's so epic :D

Anyway, yeahh, it's pacman ^^ Pacmaan is COOL 'cause he eats ghosts without mouths and stuff... wait no he eats little shiny thingies and the ghosts eat him D: OH NOES! Don't eat omnomnomagon! He's gonna omnomnom you instead so there >:D We had an argument with our math teacher a few months ago about whether the omnomnomagon was a real shape :P Of course he said it wasn't (because he's boring) but yeah... then this guy tried convincing head of math that it was a real shape. Haha our Year 9 days were so fun :D

Listening to G.E.M.'s where did you go. ♫ I feel so proud of myself; finally found a Cantopop singer that I like :D I mean I've lived in Hong Kong for my whole life and not once have I even listened to any Cantopop singers, let alone like them :P It's either Japanese or Taiwanese/Chinese. I feel so Asian. WAIT! I am! Geez, stupid >:]

Being in the student council is so troublesome. I'm too lazy to bother working hard on my homework and now people are forcing me to be in student council as well =.= Everyone in our class were like VOTE FOR X and VOTE FOR Y but in the end everyone voted for me TT^TT Gosh everyone's complaining about the water in school. It's so gross, like it smells like sulfur and salt and it tastes even worse =.= And they claim it's filtered. BEWARE SCHOOL WATER!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Because I'm random

Arghhh I just felt like writing something random today... not really thinking anything at the moment cuz I'm a zombiee ^^ uh... I got a new totoro towel!! :D Actually my friend gave it to me before she abandoned me and ran off to Malaysia -sniffle- but yeah.. it's really cute! Like Totoro's holding his leaf-umbrella-that's-too-small-for-him and he's surrounded by those poofy dust ball things and the small orange and blue totoros are floating on top :] So cute~~! I just love Totoro, geez. Don't judge >:D

I swear I'm going hunchbacked, our school bags are so heavy =.= It's partially my fault as well since I wear my bag with the straps at their longest and it's basically hanging off my back. Doesn't help that I put my laptop in my bag either. Speaking of which, I got a new laptop case! My old one broke... again... the zipper broke off and resulted in many near-fatal laptop drops D: I'm also stupid and clumsy, so that probably contributed to it... :P Plus we got textbooks on EVERY SUBJECT, even PE. PE! It's like all the theory and all that... but geez =.=

Urgh... nothing much more random to talk about. Oh, my math teacher plays Plants vs. Zombies! Well she denied it but it was sitting on her desktop sticking out like a TURBAN. Okay that's really racist, sorry :( It stuck out like a... TOTORO TOWEL! :D Geez sore thumbs don't stick out at all so I don't get the phrase =.= Anyway we were like 'Plants vs. Zombies!' and our teacher was like, 'EHHH? I DON'T PLAY THAT! SURE I DON'T' -insert awkward laugh- Lol... I like our math classes :P

Saturday, August 28, 2010


This is a little delayed (actually I don't know if I've discussed this yet... oh well), but I'm sure that many manga-readers out there are grieving, or at least were, over onemanga's shut down :( Yes, the authorities finally caught up to them... and I know it's all for the sake of the mangaka and publishers and all those who have worked on the manga who don't get money if manga's published online, but still. *sniffle* Well I have found an alternative which is A GIANT MANGA STORE near my dad's office where you can rent manga for three to six dollars each (HKD, of course :P) Problem is, IT'S ALL IN CHINESE. I can read Chinese and everything, it's just I read it rather slowly and there are some words that I don't understand... :P Well, at least I have an alternative. My condolences to all those otakus out there who don't have anything else to turn to after onemanga's shut down :( Well, mangafox and animefreak work... 'cept onemanga was the BEST -sniffle-. Sad, sad days....

After a whole week of trying to think of an inquiry unit for English, I have settled with investigating whether comics should be considered literature :P It's a bit weird, but at least it's better than studying OLD ENGLISH TT^TT Note: Old English refers to old, old, OLDDD English, not Shakespeare, which is Early Modern English (Imagine, Shakespeare is MODERN ENGLISH D:) It's not even Middle English, which is like Chaucer and people who stick too many e's in their writing (I'm prejudiced, I know). This is like, English that looks like German and not even recognizable as English =.= Yes that was what I was originally researching and it blew my head off. I think I like comics more :P

Friday, August 27, 2010


R.I.P victims of the Manila Massacre. May those who have passed be forever remembered, and hoping that survivors and family of the deceased will be able to move on. Our prayers be with them all :(

More Homework

This is worse than before by fiver hundred times =.= Last time, the reason I had tons of homework was because I procrastinated. This year, I can't even procrastinate. Homework's set one day, due the next. Even the really really hard to do ones like super long essays or something. It's soooo annoying, plus we have at least three set everyday. :( I should stop complaining, or I'll start sounding like a three year old whiner. I probably already did... =.=

Uh... there's tons of new people in our school this year. That's not a bad thing, it's just a bit weird :P I guess it's 'cause loads of people left last year to go overseas for boarding school or something :( I miss my friends, and some of them can't get facebook and stuff :( :(:(:(:(

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21st (Because I wasn't bothered to think of a title :P)

School started yesterday, and my timetable is SO MESSED UP :( At least most of my teachers are okay, except for MY CHINESE TEACHER D: I would start a whole rant but I think it'd just make my fingers hurt. Haha... this has got to be the most boring and work-centered year yet... and just THINK about what else is coming. ARGHHH =.= I wanna tear my timetable apart :(

Soo everyone at school seems fine, although everyone's obviously hating school. The guys are so tall now! Midgets that used to not even reach my shoulder are taller than me now! It's so weird~~!

URGH! SPANISH! SPANISH! SPANISH! IMMA DIE! IMMA FAIL and then I'll have to take extra classes and everything and yeah and yeah... I'm rambling... this isn't funny =.=

I bought two CDs yesterday and I'm pretty proud of myself :P I usually download my music but it's getting really annoying and besides, it's illegal. Yeahh, I got a YUI disk and The Boy Who Knew Too Much (Asian Tour Edition). MIKA TOFU! It's so weird and cute and yeah... but yeahh... and here it comes again :P I gotta stop typing like I do on MSN and stuff :P

I'm scared of year 10 :( That's all I have to say.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

End of the summer TT^TT

Arghhh it's crazy :( School starts so insanely early this year, and it's not exactly a year to look forward to either... I mean, it's YEAR 10! We have to start GCSEs and all that crap and it's gonna be so annoyinggg =.= And OMG my RM class! I looked at the class list and there are 17 people in my RM class, and on the list, it shows that there are only TWO GIRLS in the class, and now one of them is switching to Product Design. Which means I'm THE ONLY GIRL IN MY DT CLASS! Goshhhh and all the guys are really scaryyy =.= WHYYYYYY TT^TT

Let's see... I've kinda cut off all contact with most of the people from my summer camp (unintentionally) but it's okay since I sorta hated them anyway... :P QQ IS ANNOYING =.= WHY CHINA? WHY FACEBOOK? I think I've already talked about this but it is the one thing I feel most strongly about. FACEBOOK. IN. CHINA.

Gee when we went to Xi An we tried bypassing the firewall by changing the proxies or something (I actually have no idea what we were trying to do, someone else was doing all the hacking :P) and then first our internet shut down, then it kept bouncing to this surf browser thing and we all FREAKED OUT. CHINA IS WATCHING US!!! I likey Hong Kong. WE GET FREEDOM to a larger extent anywayy

Wow this is probably my longest post yet O.o Haha I'll shuddap now

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Finally finally back home... three weeks in Shanghai is just too long :( But now I miss my camp friends... even though loads of them were really mean and everything... haha I reopened my QQ account and everything but its relli ma faan....

GOSH why did China have to censor FACEBOOK? FACEBOOK!!! it's likee.... the only way I can communicate with people since I hardly use my email.... and now I have to bother with QQ cause FACEBOOK! is censored :( China is wayyy too paranoid damn it...

The Expo is cool... but really scary. It's so crowded and hot and long lines and you have to wait FIVE WHOLE HOURS for the Japan pavilion.... so we didnt go in :( I'm sad now...


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My randomness

LOL :] yesh that i the whole post and im sure i will come back, read it, and LOL ^^


Lol I recently started writing fanfics again and I'm in the middle of the thirteenth chapter of my fic ICE AND LION :] er... lol im kinda stuck tho so yea... and i think im gonna stop again soon cause I'm just weird like that...

Apparently I have changed. In what way I'm not too sure, more sarcastic? I dunno... just some of my friends told me and yeah... it;s been bothering meee :( oh well... ill try to figure it out...

JAPAN LOST! no more asians left... :( i think... lol china didnt get in so i never even cared about FIFA... thats how mo liu i amm *kaching*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Taylor Swift

Mehh I don't know why I suddenly decided to be so random and talk about someone I hardly know anything about :P er.. I am currently listening to Fearless by ms. swift and er... it's ok? lol...

TANK AND RAINIE YANG (楊丞琳)are so awesomeee :] they're such good singers and tank ACTUALLY WRITES HIS OWN SONGS! im not being racist or anything... but ive got a ton of songs by loads of taiwanese singers and none of them write their own songs. Basically that just makes them puppets for the media... and oh my gosh... 羅志祥 (show luo)... he can't even sing! All his songs are like.. edited and all that so it's all fake! Look at his live performances: he gets super tired and 好喘 really quickly, and its all 走音... mehh anyway how i started out with Taylor Swift is a bit weird...

School ends this Friday! WOOT! We're going to watch a movieee :] HELLO SUMMER ^^

Friday, May 21, 2010

ASIANS ARE COOL so don't diss them. GEEZ

the title says it all :P I AM A *counts fingers* taiwanese drama addict, Japanese drama addict, Anime addict, Manga addict, Hongkongnese drama addict... that's not actually all that much ^^ *nods* just keep believing that, why don't you?

Thursday, May 13, 2010


A widely discussed topic in the world of youngsters, but it's the first time since I entered middle school that I've actually felt the load of it =.=  I like had 1 hour of sleep the other day cuz of the homework overload. My school is pretty light in terms of homework, unlike some of my other friends, who stay up till 4 in the morning just to finish off homework. I think I just procrastinate a bit too much, which is really bad for me cuz I'm getting white hairs o.o PLUS I'M SUPER LATE IN UPDATING MY FANFIC!! I've got like 190 reviews from people telling me to update quicker and I'm like damn you I got homework. But I do feel kinda bad cause they just want to read more :P It's not just homework though, I've got this huge writer's block and I'm kinda stuck == Plus my friend hates me for being friends with this other guy. FML :P

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I was messing around with my phone today and somehow locked the SIM card which seriously pissed me off. Usually when I go into the PIN settings they let me cancel and it's all fine but this time it won't unlock and it wouldn't let me go back =.= GAWD there aren't any good phones anymore it's so annoyinggg :( Anyway I'm going to China AGAIN which means my Easter holiday has been thrown out the window == I was gonna go out with my friends to Stanley or something but NO we MUST GO TO CHINA TO GET A GPS. we already have like ten gps's why do we need anymore... anyway i'm seriously pissed and with the stupid science test coming up I swear i'm gonna explode TT^TT Anyway hope other people's lives are better than mine because if they weren't we'd be in deep shit.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Haw flakes ==

I recently had a very interesting conversation with a very strange friend of mine, who has developed an obsession of haw flakes. In case you don't know, haw flakes are..... *dramatic music* oh just search it up it's a Chinese medicine :] Anyway we were having a debate about whether haw flakes were better than cheesecakes (I voted for cheesecakes) and the matter was never resolved == I STILL VOTE FOR CHEESECAKES o.o anyway thinking back, i wonder exactly why i liked haw flakes. I mean they look gross and they kinda taste gross... (what is haw anyway), but i still loved, and kinda still love them == anyway cheesecakes ftw :]