Basically this is my dumpster for random stuff. As in EVERYTHING. So yeah.

Anyone watch 'Aliens in the Attic'? It's the lamest movie I've ever seen in my LIFE but it was the inspiration for the name of this blog :P Yesh, it's TV~~

Thursday, November 18, 2010

18th November

These titles are deteriorating... but I'm kind of too tired to think of a better one at the moment. Titles always gave me a headache anyway. Arghh... speaking of headaches, I need some asprin D:

Finally finished all my various essays and assessments so I can focus on the upcoming tests. We already had the Spanish writing yesterday and I definitely failed... my grammar was all over the place! You see, it's not that the grammar's super super hard; yes, it's a pain in the neck but the main problem is that my English grammar sucks! It's like, I know what's right and whatnot, but when people ask me why, I'd be like... uh... 'cause it sounds right? Yeah, that's how hopeless I am. -bows-

Anyway, away from all this school stuff :D My friend got me this awesome looking doll from Vietnam and it's super cute! It's like, this little wooden head with this stringy body and stuff and the clothes are really cute as well! I hung it on my bag but it looks a bit weird there... oh well! I have a weakness for cute stuff, so shuddap! Geez :P

You would not believe how many people think HEtalia is 'hentalia'! Damn it, hetalia is not hentai! I feel so fricking offended! Besides, I don't read hentai, as so many people think I do. I'm not that perverted! Geez... not like you guys aren't. Blehhhhh

Saving up moneh for a CD/hoodie. I can't really seem to decide... I have tons of hoodies already but they're really boring looking, but there are a ton of CDs that I really want to get! Arghh... opportunity cost! Stupid Econ, stop messing with me head >:(

Pacman rules

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