Basically this is my dumpster for random stuff. As in EVERYTHING. So yeah.

Anyone watch 'Aliens in the Attic'? It's the lamest movie I've ever seen in my LIFE but it was the inspiration for the name of this blog :P Yesh, it's TV~~

Friday, October 15, 2010

Half Term Break~~

The amount of holidays we get now are crazy. Seriously, just a few weeks ago we had TWO WEEKS of Thursdays and Fridays off, and now we get another week of half term break :P I mean, I haven't got much to complain about, but really... it seriously screws with your mind

Speaking of screwing with your mind, HETALIA IS EVIL! Damn it... I can't sit still during History or Econ anymore! I think I talked about this already... oh well :P Hey, at least it helped me in the Econ test. It helped me TONS. Hehe it was like this general knowledge test and obviously Hetalia is all about general knowledge (not really) so yeah, I aced it xD. Thank you, Himaruya-sensei~~ :D Ooh, the genius that is Hidekaz Himaruya actually VISITED HONG KONG and freaking TOOK PICTURES :D How awesome is that???

Ughhh... so much drama in my life... Don't like all this déjà vu :( There's this guy who looks exactly like this other guy in Shanghai and frick they're exactly the sameee! ARGHH... I'm going crazzyyyyy =.=

Because Prussia is and always will be awesome. Until he stopped existing... -sobs- WHY? BRING PRUSSIA BACKK


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