Basically this is my dumpster for random stuff. As in EVERYTHING. So yeah.

Anyone watch 'Aliens in the Attic'? It's the lamest movie I've ever seen in my LIFE but it was the inspiration for the name of this blog :P Yesh, it's TV~~

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I was messing around with my phone today and somehow locked the SIM card which seriously pissed me off. Usually when I go into the PIN settings they let me cancel and it's all fine but this time it won't unlock and it wouldn't let me go back =.= GAWD there aren't any good phones anymore it's so annoyinggg :( Anyway I'm going to China AGAIN which means my Easter holiday has been thrown out the window == I was gonna go out with my friends to Stanley or something but NO we MUST GO TO CHINA TO GET A GPS. we already have like ten gps's why do we need anymore... anyway i'm seriously pissed and with the stupid science test coming up I swear i'm gonna explode TT^TT Anyway hope other people's lives are better than mine because if they weren't we'd be in deep shit.

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