Basically this is my dumpster for random stuff. As in EVERYTHING. So yeah.

Anyone watch 'Aliens in the Attic'? It's the lamest movie I've ever seen in my LIFE but it was the inspiration for the name of this blog :P Yesh, it's TV~~

Saturday, August 28, 2010


This is a little delayed (actually I don't know if I've discussed this yet... oh well), but I'm sure that many manga-readers out there are grieving, or at least were, over onemanga's shut down :( Yes, the authorities finally caught up to them... and I know it's all for the sake of the mangaka and publishers and all those who have worked on the manga who don't get money if manga's published online, but still. *sniffle* Well I have found an alternative which is A GIANT MANGA STORE near my dad's office where you can rent manga for three to six dollars each (HKD, of course :P) Problem is, IT'S ALL IN CHINESE. I can read Chinese and everything, it's just I read it rather slowly and there are some words that I don't understand... :P Well, at least I have an alternative. My condolences to all those otakus out there who don't have anything else to turn to after onemanga's shut down :( Well, mangafox and animefreak work... 'cept onemanga was the BEST -sniffle-. Sad, sad days....

After a whole week of trying to think of an inquiry unit for English, I have settled with investigating whether comics should be considered literature :P It's a bit weird, but at least it's better than studying OLD ENGLISH TT^TT Note: Old English refers to old, old, OLDDD English, not Shakespeare, which is Early Modern English (Imagine, Shakespeare is MODERN ENGLISH D:) It's not even Middle English, which is like Chaucer and people who stick too many e's in their writing (I'm prejudiced, I know). This is like, English that looks like German and not even recognizable as English =.= Yes that was what I was originally researching and it blew my head off. I think I like comics more :P

Friday, August 27, 2010


R.I.P victims of the Manila Massacre. May those who have passed be forever remembered, and hoping that survivors and family of the deceased will be able to move on. Our prayers be with them all :(

More Homework

This is worse than before by fiver hundred times =.= Last time, the reason I had tons of homework was because I procrastinated. This year, I can't even procrastinate. Homework's set one day, due the next. Even the really really hard to do ones like super long essays or something. It's soooo annoying, plus we have at least three set everyday. :( I should stop complaining, or I'll start sounding like a three year old whiner. I probably already did... =.=

Uh... there's tons of new people in our school this year. That's not a bad thing, it's just a bit weird :P I guess it's 'cause loads of people left last year to go overseas for boarding school or something :( I miss my friends, and some of them can't get facebook and stuff :( :(:(:(:(

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21st (Because I wasn't bothered to think of a title :P)

School started yesterday, and my timetable is SO MESSED UP :( At least most of my teachers are okay, except for MY CHINESE TEACHER D: I would start a whole rant but I think it'd just make my fingers hurt. Haha... this has got to be the most boring and work-centered year yet... and just THINK about what else is coming. ARGHHH =.= I wanna tear my timetable apart :(

Soo everyone at school seems fine, although everyone's obviously hating school. The guys are so tall now! Midgets that used to not even reach my shoulder are taller than me now! It's so weird~~!

URGH! SPANISH! SPANISH! SPANISH! IMMA DIE! IMMA FAIL and then I'll have to take extra classes and everything and yeah and yeah... I'm rambling... this isn't funny =.=

I bought two CDs yesterday and I'm pretty proud of myself :P I usually download my music but it's getting really annoying and besides, it's illegal. Yeahh, I got a YUI disk and The Boy Who Knew Too Much (Asian Tour Edition). MIKA TOFU! It's so weird and cute and yeah... but yeahh... and here it comes again :P I gotta stop typing like I do on MSN and stuff :P

I'm scared of year 10 :( That's all I have to say.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

End of the summer TT^TT

Arghhh it's crazy :( School starts so insanely early this year, and it's not exactly a year to look forward to either... I mean, it's YEAR 10! We have to start GCSEs and all that crap and it's gonna be so annoyinggg =.= And OMG my RM class! I looked at the class list and there are 17 people in my RM class, and on the list, it shows that there are only TWO GIRLS in the class, and now one of them is switching to Product Design. Which means I'm THE ONLY GIRL IN MY DT CLASS! Goshhhh and all the guys are really scaryyy =.= WHYYYYYY TT^TT

Let's see... I've kinda cut off all contact with most of the people from my summer camp (unintentionally) but it's okay since I sorta hated them anyway... :P QQ IS ANNOYING =.= WHY CHINA? WHY FACEBOOK? I think I've already talked about this but it is the one thing I feel most strongly about. FACEBOOK. IN. CHINA.

Gee when we went to Xi An we tried bypassing the firewall by changing the proxies or something (I actually have no idea what we were trying to do, someone else was doing all the hacking :P) and then first our internet shut down, then it kept bouncing to this surf browser thing and we all FREAKED OUT. CHINA IS WATCHING US!!! I likey Hong Kong. WE GET FREEDOM to a larger extent anywayy

Wow this is probably my longest post yet O.o Haha I'll shuddap now

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Finally finally back home... three weeks in Shanghai is just too long :( But now I miss my camp friends... even though loads of them were really mean and everything... haha I reopened my QQ account and everything but its relli ma faan....

GOSH why did China have to censor FACEBOOK? FACEBOOK!!! it's likee.... the only way I can communicate with people since I hardly use my email.... and now I have to bother with QQ cause FACEBOOK! is censored :( China is wayyy too paranoid damn it...

The Expo is cool... but really scary. It's so crowded and hot and long lines and you have to wait FIVE WHOLE HOURS for the Japan pavilion.... so we didnt go in :( I'm sad now...