Basically this is my dumpster for random stuff. As in EVERYTHING. So yeah.

Anyone watch 'Aliens in the Attic'? It's the lamest movie I've ever seen in my LIFE but it was the inspiration for the name of this blog :P Yesh, it's TV~~

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wherefore Art Thou Hetalia?

I cannot for the life of me imitate a Cantonese accent. It is the most embarrassing thing, considering I'm from Hong Kong. Oh gosh, you fail. fails... it's always down and stuff... a week ago every third page would come up with an error and it took so long to finish reading a 3-chapter story... and Google's down every other day as well. Why is the internet so selective... making the two websites I use the most (except facebook) crash. -insert weeping-

Going to Macau tomorrow. Happy birthday Wang Yao (ignore Hetalia reference)! Well it's not really his birthday... seeing as it's only PRC's founding day and not China's founding day... I doubt anyone remembers when that is... wait stupid! That was thousands of years ago =.=

CANADA WAS SHOUTING. Okay I have to lay off hetalia

We love you China xD Oh, not mine, of course. This is in no way mine... not even in my wildest dreams D: I'm not that awesome, I'm afraid.

Loving Prussia's awesomeness as well :D Come back, Gilbert!


Signing off xD

Monday, September 13, 2010


Did I post something under this title yet? Oh well it doesn't matter :D
La OMNOMNOMAGON :D It's so epic :D

Anyway, yeahh, it's pacman ^^ Pacmaan is COOL 'cause he eats ghosts without mouths and stuff... wait no he eats little shiny thingies and the ghosts eat him D: OH NOES! Don't eat omnomnomagon! He's gonna omnomnom you instead so there >:D We had an argument with our math teacher a few months ago about whether the omnomnomagon was a real shape :P Of course he said it wasn't (because he's boring) but yeah... then this guy tried convincing head of math that it was a real shape. Haha our Year 9 days were so fun :D

Listening to G.E.M.'s where did you go. ♫ I feel so proud of myself; finally found a Cantopop singer that I like :D I mean I've lived in Hong Kong for my whole life and not once have I even listened to any Cantopop singers, let alone like them :P It's either Japanese or Taiwanese/Chinese. I feel so Asian. WAIT! I am! Geez, stupid >:]

Being in the student council is so troublesome. I'm too lazy to bother working hard on my homework and now people are forcing me to be in student council as well =.= Everyone in our class were like VOTE FOR X and VOTE FOR Y but in the end everyone voted for me TT^TT Gosh everyone's complaining about the water in school. It's so gross, like it smells like sulfur and salt and it tastes even worse =.= And they claim it's filtered. BEWARE SCHOOL WATER!!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Because I'm random

Arghhh I just felt like writing something random today... not really thinking anything at the moment cuz I'm a zombiee ^^ uh... I got a new totoro towel!! :D Actually my friend gave it to me before she abandoned me and ran off to Malaysia -sniffle- but yeah.. it's really cute! Like Totoro's holding his leaf-umbrella-that's-too-small-for-him and he's surrounded by those poofy dust ball things and the small orange and blue totoros are floating on top :] So cute~~! I just love Totoro, geez. Don't judge >:D

I swear I'm going hunchbacked, our school bags are so heavy =.= It's partially my fault as well since I wear my bag with the straps at their longest and it's basically hanging off my back. Doesn't help that I put my laptop in my bag either. Speaking of which, I got a new laptop case! My old one broke... again... the zipper broke off and resulted in many near-fatal laptop drops D: I'm also stupid and clumsy, so that probably contributed to it... :P Plus we got textbooks on EVERY SUBJECT, even PE. PE! It's like all the theory and all that... but geez =.=

Urgh... nothing much more random to talk about. Oh, my math teacher plays Plants vs. Zombies! Well she denied it but it was sitting on her desktop sticking out like a TURBAN. Okay that's really racist, sorry :( It stuck out like a... TOTORO TOWEL! :D Geez sore thumbs don't stick out at all so I don't get the phrase =.= Anyway we were like 'Plants vs. Zombies!' and our teacher was like, 'EHHH? I DON'T PLAY THAT! SURE I DON'T' -insert awkward laugh- Lol... I like our math classes :P