Basically this is my dumpster for random stuff. As in EVERYTHING. So yeah.

Anyone watch 'Aliens in the Attic'? It's the lamest movie I've ever seen in my LIFE but it was the inspiration for the name of this blog :P Yesh, it's TV~~

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My randomness

LOL :] yesh that i the whole post and im sure i will come back, read it, and LOL ^^


Lol I recently started writing fanfics again and I'm in the middle of the thirteenth chapter of my fic ICE AND LION :] er... lol im kinda stuck tho so yea... and i think im gonna stop again soon cause I'm just weird like that...

Apparently I have changed. In what way I'm not too sure, more sarcastic? I dunno... just some of my friends told me and yeah... it;s been bothering meee :( oh well... ill try to figure it out...

JAPAN LOST! no more asians left... :( i think... lol china didnt get in so i never even cared about FIFA... thats how mo liu i amm *kaching*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Taylor Swift

Mehh I don't know why I suddenly decided to be so random and talk about someone I hardly know anything about :P er.. I am currently listening to Fearless by ms. swift and er... it's ok? lol...

TANK AND RAINIE YANG (楊丞琳)are so awesomeee :] they're such good singers and tank ACTUALLY WRITES HIS OWN SONGS! im not being racist or anything... but ive got a ton of songs by loads of taiwanese singers and none of them write their own songs. Basically that just makes them puppets for the media... and oh my gosh... 羅志祥 (show luo)... he can't even sing! All his songs are like.. edited and all that so it's all fake! Look at his live performances: he gets super tired and 好喘 really quickly, and its all 走音... mehh anyway how i started out with Taylor Swift is a bit weird...

School ends this Friday! WOOT! We're going to watch a movieee :] HELLO SUMMER ^^